web, print and graphic design

Joe Jones

Research Sites and Custom Apps

E-Commerce Shopping Carts

Custom Designed Web Templates

Content Management Systems

Lodging Availability Calendars

Realtor Packs

Custom Back-end Programming

small transparent boxes



web site design the most flexible medium on the planet

Let's face the facts... you need a website. There has never been a more cost-effective, fluid, or interactive form of advertising. Ever wanted to change a print ad right after you released it? Have you thought, "If I could only do a one day promotion for my best customers right now..."?

One of the most widespread misconceptions about website design is that it is easy to do.

Now we're not claiming it's rocket science, but simply knowing how to put a page on the web has little do to with creating an effective online presence that complements your business image as well as your traditional marketing.

but my nephew made a great website for his youth hockey team...

Yes, he did, as did we when we started out. But years of experience have taught us that putting up the site is only a tiny piece of the puzzle. Most of our clients come to us with a previous site that isn't living up to their expectations for one reason or another. Sometimes it doesn't look the way they would like, other times it fails to load properly in one browser or another, and often, the client simply doesn't know what it is about the site that rubs them the wrong way.

where do i start? i don't understand any of this...

Call us, email us or Stop into our offices You can even write us a letter if it suits you. The point is, you'll leave our meeting confident about what it is you want from your site.